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Call for demonstration against "March 4 Sharia” and EDL
Let’s stand against Islamists and far-right racists!

On October 31, two reactionary forces are demonstrating in London, one, "Islam4UK" is demanding the imposition of Sharia law in UK, the other a racist right wing thuggish group, EDL, is opposing the Islamists. We should stand against both. These opposing groups are both against any progressive, decent and egalitarian human values. Both are reactionary, misogynist and racist and homophobic. Both resort to intimidation and bullying to achieve their aims. Both are trying to abolish any basic civil and human rights the society has achieved to establish.

As for Sharia law, if there were any doubts regarding its reactionary, misogynist, inhuman and brutal nature, the practice of Islamic regimes in Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Taliban in Afghanistan and the like have washed away those doubts. At any part of the world, where the Islamists have gained power and imposed Sharia law, people have lost their basic rights. Brutal punishments, such as stoning, maiming and hanging have been enforced for not only petty crimes, but also for exercising what is perceived as a basic right by any humane values.
 Women are among the first victims of Sharia Law. Islamic law deprives women from any basic rights. Compulsory veiling, gender apartheid, stoning for sex outside marriage, are only a few examples of what Islamic rule imposes on women. Under Islamic law homosexuality is a major crime and punished by execution. Non-believers and atheists suffer the same fate. Islamist movements and Sharia law must be exposed for what they really are and be pushed back.

In response to this demonstration, a splinter group from the racist, right wing English Defence League (styling itself the "EDL - St. George's Division") has called a counter-demonstration. They might claim that they merely protest against Islamic fundamentalism. But we know them only too well, to believe this claim; the racist nature of their positions and activities are well-known. Moreover, they are not acting alone.  Several members of the BNP and other fascist and far-right organisations have joined EDL in this demonstration. These far right organisations are justly despised by the large majority of people in UK, for their racist, anti-humane, anti-egalitarian, misogynist and homophobic ideas and agenda.

Worker-communism Unity Party calls upon labour and women’ rights activists and organisations and all freedom-loving, equality seeking, secular and progressive individuals to come and demonstrate a show of force against these forces of reaction, backwardness and inhumanity for a more equal, free and better world.

Down with Islamic Republic of Iran!
Freedom, Equality, Workers’ State!
Long Live Socialism!
